This seems like the start of a long string of events that the government will pass laws without thinking it entirely through and require patchwork-amendments to fix mistakes. The alleged era of "change" is certain, yet Americans have yet to see any significance or affect in everything this Administration touches. The Democrats wish to find every possible way to tax, tax, tax business and consumers. Who in their sane mind would believe that this would be the correct way to generate aid towards the national deficit? There are some unbelievable creatures out there in Washington DC.
As I've said before, the more taxes and regulations government impedes American business, the more employers fire their employees, and the less they put into growth for themselves as a business and consumers. The more you tax consumers, the less likely they will invest in the economy such as home buying, stock market, the auto industry, tourism, even groceries. My only hope is that Americans continue to become more aware of what is going on with this Administration and a way to recover in the future before America suffers.