Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home Buyers Hang on to That Money!

With all the government bailouts and illusional economic fixes, consumers are catching on that things have yet to turn up since Obama promised so much "good and hope for change" to this country . In reality, consumers these days are reluctant to invest in the economy and the confidence is drastically low in this Administration.

In an article from Drudge Report via CNBC, "sales of new homes in June, reported on Monday, surged 23.6 percent but remained at the second-lowest level since the Commerce Department started keeping record in 1963. High unemployment and wage cuts are keeping many potential buyers at bay."

This explains that Americans are having to cut back on expenses and are fearful of spending their money because tax-payer dollars, unemployment, and bad decision-making in the White House have increased more and more rapidly. This article's intended audience is American's who are fearful about investing in the economy such as homebuyers. The main idea is to inform readers that consumer confidence being this low is detrimental to the American way of life. In my opinion, in order to re-instill the "American Dream" and the pursuit of happiness, what is the very thing necessary to get Americans to invest their money back into the economy? It is less taxes, and the promoting of free-enterprise. Businesses need money to hire employees and homeowners need money to retain a way of living. If these people are being taxed and heavily regulated by government interference, then there is no way these goals could be achieved effectively.

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